Food and drugs are often viewed as safer then what they really are, wether it’s on the package or by hearing it from other people. often food seems healthy like strawberry icecream although it is not, people only think it is because there is a fruit in the name. People think you just get drugs from bad people but you can go and get them at ur local store these are called over the counter medication and because of this people often think they are safe to take because you need no prescription. the best thing to do is talk to a doctor before getting them. also plan a healthy diet or just watch what ur eating. i hope this helped :)
The correct choice can be either A or B. It is part of acronym SMART goal. S= specific, M= measurable, A= Attainable, R= relevant, T=Time based.
winning because winning isn't everything, if you lose you have to have respect, if you lose you have to have integrity, if you lose you have to be fair