Amongst the options provided, the answer would be A maintaining the home and to a small extent even B raising a family wherein one must do several things together
Explanation: maintain g the home can be a part of multitasking as well,we can run a dishwasher and may be a vacuum cleaner along with washing clothes etc, but while raising a family one can do several things together for ages but yet when taking care of the family- like feeding or even taking care, many other things are not possible.But this goes on for years so must go to office , eat, sleep etc. as well.
While playing sports, one cannot even think of anything else, you are hurt
attending the school again needs full attention.
population and environment are integrated terms. They are interrelated in many respects. Health of an individual is directly associated with the environment in which one is living. Similarly, rapid population growth provokes massive environmental degradation.
The time it takes to move in responce to a stimulus is called the reaction time
For green tea (antioxidants) antioxidants stabilize the effects of free radicals. Prescription medicines may deplete nutrients.
Umm no its an 50/50 for both girl and boy it all depents if your having a lot of sexx with a lot of people !