The Moon's gravity pulls more on the planet than the water on the opposite side. These two water bulges on opposite sides of the Earth aligned with the Moon are the high tides. Spring tides occur when the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon are aligned, increasing the gravitational pull on the oceans.
The air spaces occur in Spongy mesophyll tissue.There are large spaces in a leaf because it is for storing water and carbon dioxide which will be used for photosynthesis. The large air spaces are usually found in the spongy layer of the mesophyll. The arrangement of this spongy mesophyll facilitates the movement of gases through the mesophyll. Directly beneath each stomate at the leaf surface there is usually a small air space, called a stomatal chamber, where no mesophyll cells are present. This also aids in gas exchange.
Green chemistry, or sustainable chemistry, involves creation on the molecular level:
Sedimentary rocks form when sediments come together and forms the rocks, while metamorphic rock are those formed when sedimentary and igneous rocks compress under great heat and pressure.