Unfortunately you have not included the directions. Are you supposed to solve for x? or for y?
Suppose the directions say, "Solve for x." Then, clear out the decimal fraction by mult. both sides of the given equation by 10. This will give you the solution, that is, a formula for x in terms of y.
We're going to be using combination since this question is asking how many different combinations of 10 people can be selected from a set of 23.
We would only use permutation if the order of the people in the committee mattered, which it seems it doesn't.
Formula for combination:

represents the number of objects/people in the set and
represents the number of objects/people being chosen from the set
There are 23 people in the set and 10 people being chosen from the set

Usually I would prefer solving such fractions by hand instead of a calculator, but factorials can result in large numbers and there is too much multiplication. Using a calculator, we get

Thus, there are 1,144,066 different 10 person committees that can be selected from a pool of 23 people. Let me know if you need any clarifications, thanks!
~ Padoru
280 student tickets
520 adult tickets
I'm guessing this is the question you meant to ask:
Eight hundred tickets were sold for a movie production and the receipts for the performance wear $8600. The tickets for adults and students sold for $12.50 and $7.50, respectively. How many of each ticket were sold?
The algebraic expression uses the terms to denote symbols
sum of means addition
difference of means subtraction
product of means multiplication
quotient of means division
Here we have the term 6x
which actually means 6 times x or
6 multiplied by x
hence by multiplication we use the word product of
so we have the product of 6 and a number as our right answer
The equation is the second one
X^2 =6^2+11^2
X value = 12.53