Based on the given information above about the Zook Company which is a wholesaler company, the type of wholesaler that it falls into is in the JOBBER. It is classified as a jobber since the Zook company only has a limited merchandise as well as their functions are limited too. In addition, they do not give any feedback to the manufacturers from the retailers.
The two questions that he must ask from himself are:
- Do you have credit report?
- Do you have good credit score?
The reason is that the banks are giving you money and are worried about whether or not you are going to pay them back or not. So they require some evidences whether the person has any credit report and good credit score which shows that the person will be worried to pay the bank and if he is not able to pay he find alternative as he is a responsible person. So these two questions assesses whether the person is capable to pay the mortgage.
People avoid carbohydrates, because they have a high calory density.
The answer is D) A market orientation refers to the orientation of an organization that focuses its efforts on continuously collecting information about customers' needs, sharing this information across departments, and using it to create customer value.
The philosophy of market orientation is concerned with crating value that meets the needs of customers.
A company that applies market orientation in their approach and processes seeks ways to identify the needs of customers, they study these wants, find our how well their competitors are meeting them and then create innovative value with a competitive edge that will sell easily.
The design and packaging of these customer orientated goods and services is meant to be cost effective for the sake of maximizing profit.