It takes work to push charge through a change of potential.
There's no change of potential along an equipotential path,
so that path doesn't require any work.
Earth is the center according to the geocentric model.
Answer:E = hc/? = 4.41 x 10-19 J
Energy absorbed by each atom :
E (atom) = 2.205 x 10-19 J
Now Bond Energy of each molecule (B) = 3.98 x J
So, for each atom 1.99 x 10-19 J
So now
KE of each atom = E(atom) - B (atom)
= 2.15 x 10-19 J
3. µs g /7
The largest Force appear when the maximal friction Force is required.
Second Newton law for the small block:

Second Newton law for the Big Block: