Heart Disease,Hypertension,Obesity,Diabetes and Depression are all health risks of sleep deprivation.
The National Institutes of Health (NIT) is an international agency sponsored by the United Nations.
The friend can meet peodos or other mean people, she can think ideas like running away, cyber bullying online or she can mess up her life
C:Sometimes peer pressure can be healthy.
Peer pressure is something negative/positive and personally witnessed a lot deep and dark. But back to the topic,
B. is biased
"Peer pressure is the direct influence on people by peers, or the effect on an individual who gets encouraged to follow their peers by changing their attitudes, values or behaviors to conform to those of the influencing group or individual. This can result in either a positive or negative effect, or both"
bring the family together and have lots of fun memories before having to grow up.
please give brainly!!!!!