Estuaries. Brackish water condition commonly occurs when fresh water meets seawater. In fact, the most extensive brackish water habitats worldwide areestuaries, where a river meets the sea. The River Thames flowing through London is a classic river estuary.
1.) Achodroplasia is a autosomal dominant disorder, the suspected case suggested that inorder for the parents to produce and offspring with achondroplasia. One parents must have a single mutant gene of achodroplasia to be inherited by his offspring. for this case, It is suggested that the offspring might have developed its own mutant gene as it only affect 1 in 25,000 birth. There is changes of genes during early development.
2.) The mother said that they don't have that history of disorder. again, it's autosomal dominant disorder. one parents must have that kind of disorder so their child can also inherit it. Thus, no of the childs parents is a carrier.
That's what is called competitive enzymatic regulation. If there are more of that substance than the enzyme substrate, then most of the enzyme, if not all depending on the substance's concentration, will be inhibited on its action. If there are more substrate then the competitive substance, the expected reaction for that enzyme will happen at an expected rate. If the ratio substrate:substance is 1:1 then the reaction enzyme-substrate is very slowed down.
It is important because we need many different types of animals. Food chains are made up of many different links, and if there are fewer links, this will lead to animals not being able to feed. Biodiversity boosts the ecosystem and leads to an ecosystem that is self sustaining and able to produce things for people.