Early scientists were conflicted about the mechanism by which cells were created, with some scientists holding the viewpoint tha
t cells were spontaneously crystallized in what was known as free cell formation. Robert Remak discovered ways to fix and observe cell membranes in various stages of cell division. These findings led Rudolf Virchow to proclaim in 1855, Omnis cellula e cellula (every cell comes from another cell), thus completing the tenets of cell theory.
The given paragraph is about cells develop from the preexisting cells. The doubling of the genetic material in the S-phase is the triggering mechanism for cell division. In the process of mitosis the genetic material get reduced. The daughter cells vary by the amount of genetic material they receive. This proves that the new cells form from the pre-existing cells.
(1) Digestive System gets nutrients (good) from food and hands it over to the blood and Circulatory System then carries those nutrients where they need to go. (2) Filters out waste from food and pushes it through intestines and out the body (and you know how and where it gets out).