Sertoli cells
The Sertoli cells nourish and protect the developing sperm cells, and spermatogenesis—the developmental pathway from germ cell to mature sperm—occurs in the recesses of the Sertoli cells (Figure 19.17)
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Answer: Antigens
Explanation: The ABO system of blood grouping is based on the basis of the type of antigens that are present in the red blood cells. Erythrocytes is another name for the red blood cells. Antigens are molecules that are capable of eliciting immune response. There are two types of antigens: antigen A and B. Blood type A has only antigen A, blood type B has only antigen B, blood type AB has both antigen A and B while blood type O has no antigen (neither A nor B antigen).
Similarly, Rh trait is determined by the presence or absence of rhesus antigen in the erythrocytes. Rhesus antigen is an antigen first discovered in rhesus monkey. Rh+ indicates the presence of rhesus antigen in the red blood cells while Rh- indicates the absence of rhesus antigen in the red blood cells.
All of the above are correct.