A radical refers to a chemical specie that contains unpaired electrons in their dot electron diagrams.
Radicals contain an odd number of electrons. They are commonly called odd electron species.
Radicals participate in a number of important reactions. A typical example is the halogenation of alkanes in the presence of light.
Examples of radicals include; Br. , Cl. , F. etc
with salt distillation will work, heat the solution and collect the water in a seperate beaker
With sugar you do the same, boil away the water and collect the water vapour, you'll be left with sugar in the original container and water if you collected it
Use a fraction of column and heat the solution, the alcohol will be seperated out
Sand is the only one that uses mechanical filtration
The two electrons that share an orbital repel each other.
All electrons bear a negative charge. They are held in their orbits by the attractive force of charged protons. The farther away an orbital is to the atomic nucleus the easier it is to expunge an electron from this distant orbital shell.
Because electrons have the same negative charge, they repel each other especially when they occupy the same orbital shell in an atom. To reduce this repulsion, each of the electrons in the orbital shell (remember electrons occupy orbital shells of atoms in 2s) assumes an opposite quantum (M<em>s</em>) spin; one with – ½ while the other + ½ .
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A chemical reaction that removes electrons from an atom is called "O<span>xidation".
The term came from late 18th century from French.
When the electrons are removed from an atom it increase its valence.</span>