The dependent variable is the variable which can be manipulated and can affect the independent variable. The dependent variable is on the x-axis while the independent variable is placed on the y-axis. In this case, the x-axis is the number of weeks while the y-axis is the height of the plant.
I believe it is dissecting
Well , run off water plays a big part in this.
run off water is usually when water is in a puddle or on the ground and ran off into the sewer.
i hope this helps you a lot
This is only one part of the answer, but its important: high-altitude O2 absorbs much energy from the sun (including radioactivity), which forms the ozone layer. this process protects delicate molecules important to life - most notably dna
Yes, this is True, if you didn't you or anything wouldn't be living, the genetic code is basically what makes you, from the physical features to anything else basically.