Similarities-- The French and the Patriots were both acquainted with the landscape and utilized exploring methods acquired structure the Indian clans. The two gatherings additionally utilized sneak assaults to trap the British.
Difference-- European battling rules. They battled in lines, on combat zones. The Patriots utilized guerrilla strategies, focusing on authority. Being the Patriots were untrained they utilized unpredictable strategies and battled as they had against adversary Indian clans.
The correct answer is a testable idea.
A Hypothesis is a assumed explanation for a certain event or phenomenon. For a hypothesis to be accepted for scientific research, first and foremost, the hypothesis should be able to undergo research or testing. It must hold the element of being testable for it to be proven.
Cheating and talking and passing papers
Answer: Aptitude
Aptitude test is a test to determine an individual's propensity to succeed in a given activity. Aptitude tests assume that individuals have inherent strengths and weaknesses, and have a natural inclination toward success or failure in specific areas based on their innate characteristics. Aptitude test tests the individual's speed, accuracy, and how smart they can be on task when in tight corners or challenges
You would use euros for money in france