The next larger whole number is 638 .
The next smaller whole number is 637 .
637.892 is closer to 638 than it is to 637 .
The nearest whole number is 638 .
So, since there are two equations, we can substitute one of them into the other. In this case, it would be easiest to substitute 2b=6a-14 into the other equations. But first, simplify by dividing both sides by 2. You bet b=3a-1
We can now plug this into the other equation
Sine the equation b=3a-1 results in the value of b, we have to plug in for the value of b in the other equation
So this is what we get after plugging in:
Now, simplify. 3a-3a+1=7
Since 3a-3a = 0, this equation results in a no solution
The result is a no-solution, or Ф
Hope this helped!! :D
This would equal about 23,900
i hope this helps you.