Lymph is the fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system. The lymph is formed when the interstitial fluid (the fluid which lies in the interstices of all body tissues) is collected through lymph capillaries
Excessive drinking in one sitting is called binge drinking.
It's like when you watch a ton of shows on Netflix in one sitiing is called "binging"
Hope this helps!
Exhaustion stage
General Adaptation Syndrome(GAS) has 3 stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. In the alarm phase, you will experience an increased level of stress. At the resistance level, your body will start to adapt to the stress until the exhaustion stage come when the body too tired.
Headache and stomach ulcers are examples of the psychosomatic condition. The psychosomatic disease will start to appear at the exhaustion stage since the body had passed the capability to adapt to the stress.