-- Starting from nothing (New Moon), the moon's shape grows ('waxes')
for half of the cycle, until it's full, and then it shrinks ('wanes') for the next
half of the cycle.
-- The moon's complete cycle of phases runs 29.53 days . . . roughly
four weeks.
-- So, beginning from New Moon, it spends about two weeks waxing until
it's full, and then another two weeks waning until it's all gone again.
-- After a Full Moon, the moon is waning for the next two weeks. So it's
definitely <em>waning</em> at <em><u>one week</u></em> after Full.
It works by adding an engine, a transmission, car batteries, an extra strong frame in case of a crash, and much more needed things. When it races, The rubber often burns a lot, because of the high speeds that it goes, so that is why they so often change the tires. They give it a full tank of gas, which is basically like the car's idea of food and water. A NASCAR must have a trong engine to go so fast in order to win a race.
Just think of it like building a lego car just hot gluing the legos together and seeing if it breaks.
<span>Gravity is an attractive force. All masses exert gravity, so matter pull toward each other. However, it is only significant when the masses are large, like that of Earth. Exactly what causes gravity still remains a mystery. Since all the other three fundamental forces (strong, weak, and electromagnetic) are caused by particles called bosons, some scientists think that gravity is caused by particles called the graviton. However, such a particle has not yet been observed, and its existence has not been proven yet.
Also, gravity does not hold EVERYTHING together, as another person has already mentioned. Static electricity holds your socks together after they come out of the dryer, not gravity. Also, gravity is too weak to hold together, say, the nucleus of atoms, or even atoms of molecules together.</span>
The true statements are B and C.
This comes from the following facts:
Even when heat is added to a substance in a change of phase the temperature does not increases since this heat is latent heat.
From the point of view of the northern hemisphere:
The sun starts out the year at the Spring equinox, March 21,
Right Ascension 0, Declination 0.
3 months later, Summer solstice, June 21
RA = 6 hours, Dec. = +23.5°
3 months later, Fall equinox, September 21,
RA = 12 hours, Dec. = 0
3 months later, Winter solstice, December 21,
RA = 18 hours, Dec. = -23.5°