The correct answer is (a.) synovial joints. The synovial joint has the least range of motion. Its function is to join or combines bones in the synovial cavity. The synovial is mostly composed of synovial fluid (which can be found in knees.)
Frogs lay eggs under water. When they hatch they are called tadpoles. After a time as tadpoles they undergo metamorphosis where they grow legs and lungs and become the little friendly hippidy hoppidy guys you see on your porch every night.
#1. Typical United States weather patterns show the continental polar air mass moving south toward the Gulf of Mexico. Why does this air mass movement happen?
C) The polar air mass moves south to replace the rising maritime tropical air mass.
#2. Running a mineral across a porcelain plate to see the color it leaves behind on the plate may be described as testing for D) streak.
#3. D. Carbonization preserves soft tissues of plants or animals as a thin carbon film, usually in fine-grained shale sediments.
#4. We can divide natural resources into two basic categories: renewable and nonrenewable. Consider the bar graph of resource usage. If we wanted to reduce the use of nonrenewable natural resources, it would be least important to A) reduce deforestation.
#5. Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who is best known for the theory that the sun is near the center of the universe and that the earth and other planets revolve around it. Copernicus did not believe that the planets were influenced by or revolved due to the sun; instead he believed that the sun was located near the center of the universe and that it was this center which influenced those bodies and caused them to revolve. When this theory was first published, the scientific community did not accept it. Which reason BEST explains the reason for rejection of this theory?
C) It lacked sufficient evidence and explanation.
Hope I helped!!
It is vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K