Answer: It depends, your period can occur sooner than regularly, or later, but if it is severely different, it is always safe to see your doctor. By going to your doctor, you'll be able to know how your body is doing, without the fear of anything irregular happening. It will also help in the long run, because doctors a trained professionals and you can find out what to do next, instead of running to conclusions, which can be dangerous without seeking medical attention.
you should tell them that they need to talk to their parents and doctors about changing their meds, cutting off meds cold turkey can result in a lot of serious consequences that can be dangerous for yourself and others.
♦ A worldwide resource concerned with the care of children is?
→ The answer is : UNICEF
→ UNICEF stands for: The United Nations Children's Fund
UNICEF is mandate is to advocate for the
protection and promotion of the rights of children, to meet children’s basic needs and
to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.
hope it helps!