In neutralization reaction water and a salt is produced.
a) Unsaturated
b) Supersaturated
c) Unsaturated
A saturated solution contains the <u>maximum amount of a solute that will dissolve in a given solvent at a specific temperature</u>.
An unsaturated solution contains <u>less solute than it has the capacity to dissolve. </u>
A supersaturated solution, <u>contains more solute than is present in a saturated solution</u>. Supersaturated solutions are not very stable. In time, some of the solute will come out of a supersaturated solution as crystals.
According to these definitions and considering that the solubility of KCl in 100 mL of H₂O at <u>20 °C is 34 g</u>, and at <u>50 °C is 43 g</u> we can label the solutions:
a) 30 g in 100 mL of H₂O at 20 °C ⇒ unsaturated
b) 65 g in 100 mL of H₂O at 50 °C ⇒ supersaturated
c) 42 g in 100 mL of H₂O at 50 °C and slowly cooling to 20 °C to give a clear solution <u>with no precipitate</u> ⇒ unsaturated (if it were saturated it would have had precipitate)
BPA, or bisphenol A, is in most plastics and it is toxic to humans because it can bind to the estrogen hormone and greatly alter your body's natural functions from there. It can also bind to your thyroid hormone.