6. In order from left to right the balanced coeficcients are,
6, 1, 2, 3
9. In order from left to right the balanced coeficcients are,
1, 11, 7, 8
C5H5N is the base and C5H5NH+ is the conjugate acid
H2O is the acid and OH− is the conjugate base
<u>Hydrogen + is also called a proton</u>
C5H5N is the base because it receives the proton (H+) and C5H5NH+ is its conjugate acid
H2O is the acid because it gives up the proton and OH− is the conjugate base because it is capable of receiving the proton
HNO3 is the acid and NO3- is the conjugate base
H2O is the base and H3O+ is the conjugate acid
HNO3 is the acid and NO3− is its conjugate base, capable of receiving a proton
H2O is the base because it receives the proton and H3O+ is a conjugate acid capable of giving up the proton.
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