1.) A dynamic chart range is a data range that updates automatically when you change the data source. This dynamic range is then used as the source data in a chart. As the data changes, the dynamic range updates instantly which leads to an update in the chart. Below is an example of a chart that uses a dynamic chart.
2.) Tables, with their columns and rows of information, interact primarily with our verbal system. We process information in a sequential fashion, reading down columns or across rows of numbers, comparing this number to that number, one pair at a time. Graphs, however, are perceived by our visual system. You can use a bar graph or a line graph to show your results in a experiment.
3.) Waterfall Charts are used to visually illustrate how a starting value of something (say, a beginning monthly balance in a checking account) becomes a final value (such as the balance in the account at the end of the month) through a series of immediate additions (deposits, transfers in) and subtractions.
4.) Employers seek out people who can create, analyze and format spreadsheets quickly,” “Companies value employees with strong Excel knowledge. Companies understand that having employees who are Excel-proficient will benefit their bottom line because of time savings and reduced errors.”
5.) To most, organic traffic consists of visits from search engines, while direct traffic is made up of visits from people entering your company URL into their browser.
Don't forget to put this in your own words! I hope this helped you :)