When you are making multiples of a brownie recipe, you cannot - without great difficulty - use a fraction of an egg. The calcula
te_eggs function uses the ceil function in the math module to always round up and provide the total number of eggs you need on hand to make your recipe. 1. On Line 2, import just the ceil function from the math module
2. On Line 6, call the ceil function to calculate 0.6*servings
When you run the code, it should match the output under Desired Output
# Import ceil function only from the math module
import math.ceil
# Define Function
def calculate_eggs(servings):
total_eggs = (0.6*servings)
return total_eggs
# Call Function
Desired Output = You need 9 eggs
Batteries come in different sizes and configurations. This is evident in car batteries where third sizes vary from car to car depending on the space and manufacturer's discretion.