The red car appears to be "tailgating" the red SUV ... following too close behind it.
The driver of the red car should immediately back off ... leave some more space between his car and the SUV.
If the SUV isn't driving fast enough for him, he should fall in behind the blue car (at a safe distance), and perhaps into one of the two right-hand lanes, and WAIT for a safe opportunity to pass all the traffic and move out ahead. The traffic pattern is sure to change in a minute or two.
Yes, you can hit them back as you have ‘Right to Private Defense’ provided there is a proportionality of force. The right to private defense is the right to protect oneself from the unlawful aggression of others. It is based on the cardinal principle that it is the first duty of a man to help him even by taking the law into his own hand.
the 2nd amendment is the right to bear arms.
they might have cited the right to bear arms because when the government is seen as out of control the people can take over. so I'm guessing that because they see the stay at home order as unfair they want to protest and have guns. but I'm not 100% sure this is right. I just hope this helps
Answer: An interlocking directorate
Explanation: This is an example of an interlocking directorate. The Clayton and Celler-Kefauver Acts are antitrust laws that help substantially lessen competition or the creation (and elimination) of monopolies. An interlocking directorate is one that occurs when an individual from a company sits on the board of another competing company thus creating the likelihood for anticompetitive collusion between both companies.