Convert percentages to units.
100% - 20% = 80% = 0.8
100% - 25% = 75% = 0.75
Then multiply those together:
100% - 60% = 40%. That's the overall price percentage reduction.
P.S. You can convert percentages to units by diving % by 100 for example 100% divided by 100 is equal to 1.
And vice versa aka multiply units by 100 and you get %, for example 0.8 times 100 is 80%
Khan Academy does a great job explaining in their videos titled Graphing Linear Equations. They also offer pracice with explinations and quizez on it.
Step-by-step explanation:
n² - 2n + 2
Step-by-step explanation:
The difference in the pattern are odd numbers.
2 - 1 = 1
5 - 2 = 3
10 - 5 = 5
17 - 10 = 7
So there is a -2n in the nth term.
If we subtract 1 on each term.
0, 1, 4, 9, 16
We get whole squares.
So there is a n² in the nth term.
(1)² - 2(1)+ c = 1
1 - 2 + c = 1
-1 + c = 1
c = 2
The nth term is:
Step-by-step explanation: 32/5.76
See how much 32 goes into 57
32 goes into 57: 1 time
1 times 32 is 32
32 - 57 is 25
Then bring down your 6 which now it will be 256
Now how much dose 256 go into 32
It would be 8: 8 x 32 is 256 - 256 = 0
So ur answer is 18
Step-by-step explanation: