Automaticity speaking only about heart cells refers when cardiac pacing has the ability or property of depolarizing the myocardial cells creating heart beats spontaneously.
The spontaneous activity is initiated by specific cardiac cells that generate periodical electrical cycles. In the normal heart, automaticity is confined to the sinus node (remember that this is the natural pacemaker of the heart) and other conducting tissues. Cells that can reach the limit in the shortest amount of time have the greatest automaticity capacity since they can produce action potentials at a quicker rate than other cells.
Yeah sure (I’m black btw)
A bal of .12 reduces the distance a pedestrian can be seen by a driver by about <span>20%.</span>
A. Contact the provider to discuss an order for pretreatment laboratory work.
The drug manual indicates that this drug should be given with caution to elderly patients. Getting information about liver function before giving the drug establishes baseline data that can be compared with post-treatment data to determine whether the drug is affecting the liver. Giving the correct dose at the correct interval helps to minimize risk, but without baseline information, the effects cannot be determined. The drug is not contraindicated.