Conduction cooking<span> is the </span>process<span> of </span>heat<span> being</span>transferred<span> between objects through </span><span>direct contact</span>
Hard hat: protects the head from falling objects
Leather gloves: protects hands from cuts and debris
Goggles: protects eyes from dust and air borne debris
N-95 respirator mask: prevents from breathing in dust, hazardous gases
Yellow vest: allows others to recognize that you are a responder and not a victim
good. how are you feeling
Life expectancy is a generalization for a specific generation or peoples in a given era. People born between the late 90s to early 2000s have a greater live expectancy than say peoples 300 years ago. We are “expected” to live until about our late 70s, early 80s because we as a society have the means to keep us living longer. Someone who dies before that window, may have had some complications with their health that prevented them the estimated age.