We've all heard Dr. Singer's case against killing animals for food. But let's face it; this is America and everyone loves a good steak. If you're invited to dinner and the host is serving meat, you're going appear outright rude if you refuse to eat what you're served. The fallacy involved here is Bandwagon
The function of the application layer: The main function of the application layer is to hide details of Transmossion Control Protocol and Internet Protocol from end user applications.
Earliest protocols were FTP, SMTP, Telnet.
The application I likely spend most time on is HTTP.
See answer
He is referring to the right of U.S Citizens to fulfill their manifest destiny.
Manifest Destiny was the idea that American civilization, and American people, had the divine, moral, ethical, economic, and political right to spread from the Northeast to the West Coast, and occupy the entirety of the North American Continent.
This idea was justified under a belief of American cultural superiority and exceptionalism over other cultures, for example, Native American Culture. This ideology was materialized during the nineteenth century because by the end of this period the United States had occupy the continental land that stretches from the East Coast to the West Coast, and from the Gulf of Mexico and the border with that country, to the Great Lakes and the border with Canada. In other words, by the end of the XIX century, the modern continental U.S. had already formed.
It will decrease.
Due to the innovation that helps job seekers find jobs easily, the natural rate of unemployment which is the summation of frictional unemployment and structural unemployment will reduce as more unemployed can easily connect with employers of labour and employers can also easily get in contact with recruits.