Screening tests timelines are used to guide you throughout your life know when and what kind of screenings you need to ask your doctor to diagnose cancer before having any symptoms, assuming that you do not have any family history of cancer and are not at high risk for developing cancer.
Male Female Frecuency
Age: 40-54 yearly
55 on optional
21 e/3 years
Screening: Prostate (optional) breast
cervical e/3 years
Pedestrians, cyclicts (motor or bike), horse-drawn vehicles, and wheelchair users are known as the most vulnerable road users.
These road users require extra care by drivers because they are individuals who most likely will be caught in an accident.
Pedestrians, especially children and elderly, may unwittingly put themselves into harm by stepping on the road with oncoming vehicles.
Drivers must be aware of this possibility and must drive carefully and responsibly.
- Karnoven heart rate Ratio Method
Advantages : Easy to do, cost friendly
Disadvantages : can only predict the amount of maximum oxygen intake
Advantages : this test directly measures body oxygen consumption , the other tests only try to estimate
Disadvantages : Relativiely time consuming and high cost
The nurse determines that the client understands the instruction when she says: <u>d. "If left untreated, my baby might be born with an infection."</u>
Chorioamnionitis is an infection that if left untreated it can cause the amniotic fluid to be infected, as a consequence the fetal longs can be infected and cause a pneumonia during neonetal period.
The symtoms in the feto are tachicardia, in the mother the symptoms are fever and tachicardia.