Hello there! The following picture below should assist you with answering your question. Let me know if you find any errors or cannot read my writing, and I will review and fix them as required. Thanks!
A multiple choice question with 6 options will have a 16.7% chance of getting the answer correct, and a ratio of 1:6.
Step-by-step explanation:
You have a 1 in 6 chance of getting the answer correct, which can be represented with the fraction \frac{1}{6} .
To get a percentage, simply divide the 1 by the 6 and you will get an answer of 0.16666667. Multiply this by 100 and you have your answer.
To get a ratio, convert the fraction to a ratio making the left side of the ratio the numerator (the 1) and the right side the denominator (the 6).
C) $694.25
Because you want to times the interest by 2 (1 is for one year but u want to find the amount after two years) then you multiply the amount given to each bank separately so:
400*0.07 (7% which is 7/100) = 28
250*0.065 (6.5% which is 65/1000) = 16.25
Then u add the interests together:
28+16.25 = 44.25
Finally you add that to the amount you started with:
$650+$44.25= $694.25