Both animal and plant cells have mitochondria, but only plant cells have chloroplasts. Plants don't get their sugar from eating food, so they need to make sugar from sunlight. Because animals get sugar from the food they eat, they do not need chloroplasts: just mitochondria.
A glucagon<span>oma </span>may be a terribly<span> rare </span>tumour<span> of the </span>exocrine gland within which there's a rise<span> in </span>unleash<span> of the </span>internal secretion<span> glucagon, </span>inflicting<span> a characteristic </span>efflorescence<span> and raised </span>glucose<span> levels.due to this the </span>glucose<span> level </span>are going to be exaggerated<span>.Diabetes mellitus </span>kind one<span>, </span>additionally referred to as kind one polygenic disorder<span>, </span>may be a sort of diabetes within which<span> not enough </span>insulin<span> is </span>made<span>.[4] This </span>ends up in<span> high </span>glucose<span> levels </span>within the<span> body.where as in glucagonoma high levels of chromogranin A, </span>that may be a macromolecule typically<span> found in </span>tumor<span> tumors, and anemia, </span>that may be a<span> condition </span>within which you've got a low<span> level of red blood cells.</span>
its basically a layer that helps to absorb light energy there have a pog day friend
12.6 km per hour.
1 km=100 meters
Discuss Sutton’s Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
Describe genetic linkage
Explain the process of homologous recombination, or crossing over
Describe how chromosome maps are created
Calculate the distances between three genes on a chromosome using a three-point test cross
Long before chromosomes were visualized under a microscope, the father of modern genetics, Gregor Mendel, began studying heredity in 1843. With the improvement of microscopic techniques during the late 1800s, cell biologists could stain and visualize subcellular structures with dyes and observe their actions during cell division and meiosis. With each mitotic division, chromosomes replicated, condensed from an amorphous (no constant shape) nuclear mass into distinct X-shaped bodies (pairs of identical sister chromatids), and migrated to separate cellular poles.