e.the ball exerts more force because it is smaller
The correct answer for question number 1 is A - eukaryotes are the name
for unicellular organisms that dominated earth up to the Precambrian
The correct answer for question number 2 is C - the
greenhouse effect is related to the phenomenon of an increase in average
surface temperature known as global warming.
The correct
answer for question number 3 is D - the colourless and odourless gas
that is produced by the radioactive decay of Uranium-238 and is considered
to be a cancer-causing agent is Radon.
The correct answer for
question number 4 is B - Scientists can determine if oxygen existed in
Earth's Archean atmosphere by looking for oxidized iron in rocks.
Fungi act as decomposers on dead plants and animals so they don't vlog everything up! Hope this helps.
Your brother is annoying because he is like my brother too. Pickles get moldy in about 2 weeks. Sun,rain and pollenation capise flowers to bloom. An owl has night vision because it's over 9,000. Your neighbor is crazy. Because you dont want to go to school.
Green plants are green because they contain a pigment called chlorophyll.