In first iteration value of num is 10. Condition is checked 10 is less than 21 so value of num is incremented by 5 and value 15 is printed than again condition is checked 15<21 so value of num is incremented again and 20 is printed. Again condition is checked 20<21. So 25 is printed. Then 4th time when condition is checked vakue of num is 25 and while loop condition becomes false because 25 is not less than 21 and program is terminated here.
For applying the filter you need to select the data on which you want to apply it so it will allow you to look at only data you select from the filter options.
The correct answer to the following question will be Option D (Cloud service developer).
- Developers are usually individuals who layout and build applications or websites such as web or software systems. They would be known as app or web developers in this regard. In the sense that they still build and maintain things, a software developer is quite similar, however-and here's the deciding factor-this is achieved on virtual clouds.
- It is the responsibility of the cloud service developer to design and build cloud elements and products, as well as to check and validate services.
Therefore, Option D is the right answer.