a person with a soft round build of body and a high proportion of fat tissue.
B completely removing the use of lactic acid in favor of glycogen synthetase
Yes I do.
Stretching improves our overall health because when you haven't exercised or moved around in a long time, your muscles stiffen, your knees hurt, and your neck hurts, so stretching from time to time can help move your muscles a little bit and it's like the easier version of exercising, especially if you're an older person, stretching can help strengthen your muscles and body and you can stretch instead of exercising, which would take more energy than what you have.
Community medical centers are usually smaller versions of hospitals.
Community medical centers employ family doctors, nurses, and technicians, but usually not many medical specialists.
Answer:The main symptom of elephantiasis is gross enlargement and swelling of an area of the body because of the accumulation of fluid. The arms and legs are the areas most often affected. An entire arm or leg may swell to several times its normal size resembling the thick, round appearance of an elephant's leg.