Leading up to this, calcium gave up 2 valence electrons and thus was denoted as a cation. These 2 electrons were transferred to bromine, which received an overall negative charge because of the addition of 2 valence electrons in its valence shell, and thus formed a negatively charged ion, an anion.
Both formed an ionic bond, due to the electrostatic charge of attraction between the 2 oppositely charged ions. If many ions of Ca and Br are present and numerous ionic bonds have formed it will undergo an arrangement which is that of an ionic lattice, type of structure.
Answer: oxygen
There is the s,p,d and f blocks, from groups 1-2 that is the s block, 13-18 that’s the p block, 3-12 is the d block and the f would be lanthanide(#57-71) and actinide (#89-103).
Elements with three p-electrons....
That would be N, P, As, Sb, and Bi -- elements in group 15
For example, energy diagram showing "empty" orbitals up through the 3p.
.....3p __ __ __
3s __
.....2p __ __ __
2s __
1s __
Energy diagram of phosphorous showing three unpaired electrons in 3p-sublevel
.....3p ↑_ ↑_ ↑_
3s ↑↓
.....2p ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓
2s ↑↓
1s ↑↓
According to Hund's rule, the electrons singly occupy the p-orbitals, and all have the same spin.
.025 ml 02
I made a pdf and pasted it in and etc
The whole sample is 269
%copper = 127/269 * 100 = 47.2%
%chlorine = 142/269 * 100 = 52.8%
That's all you are asking. Is there more?