Create your own network of friends who can support and motivate you when college life becomes too much. Do not isolate yourself. Remember the benefits that you will get after earning a degree, such as that sense of achievement, high self-esteem and better chances of a successful career.
While the Minoans built ships the Mycenaean's built fortresses
A group of conditions linked to mood elevation or depression, such as bipolar disorder or depression.
<h3>What is depression here ? </h3>
An extremely common mental disorder is depression. The illness is thought to afflict 5% of adults worldwide. Its distinguishing characteristics include persistent sadness and a lack of interest in formerly gratifying or enjoyable activities.
It may also affect sleep and appetite. Problems with concentration and exhaustion are common.
Depression results in an increase in cortisol levels in the hippocampus,
which prevents neuronal growth in the brain. The shrinkage of brain circuits is closely connected with the loss of function of the injured region. When cortisol levels are high, the amygdala expands while other parts of the brain contract.
Hence since jojo has multiple mental disorders at once, we would say that a high <u>High comorbidity</u> exists in his case.
Learn more about Depression here
#SPJ 1
It was important to ignore the fears and rules that schools should not be segregated because back then, people thought blacks' were nothing and they treated them like dirt. Back then, black people were not allowed to learn with whites' because of social class