Let's say that that Daniel has work on the same day his friends want to see a movie.If Daniel misses out on the movie the oppertunity cost will be missing out on the movie to go work.If Daniel skips work, the opportunity cost will be the wages lost from work.
- Colonization
- Lack of skilled labors
- warm temperature
- Lack of roads
- non-scientific belief.
<u>- Colonization</u>
Colonization damaged the economy of Caribbean in the past. This made them did not possess the resources necessary to invest in the development of dugs/medical technology
-<u> Lack of skilled labors</u>
Caribbean territories possess very little opportunity to pursue higher education. This mean that they'll also find difficulties in producing healthcare workers
<u>- warm temperature</u>
Warm temperature provide opportunities for larger variation of bacteria and viruses to live.
<u>- Lack of roads</u>
Lack of roads made it really difficult for Caribbean people to reach a more developed area where they can access modern drugs / more modern medical equipments.
<u>- non-scientific belief.</u>
Traditional beliefs made many people believe in non-scientific methods of healing which might be ineffective for their health care .
This is TRUE. However, some people stop doing bad out of the fear of MAN. This is a different fear. For example, if you were thinking about stealing something, but you decided not to because you felt you would get into trouble with police officers. But you had no thought about god, or what he thought. You had a FEAR OF MAN.
Hope this helps!
<u>Technology</u> - The Indus Valley Civilization was an early civilisation in modern day Pakistan and India. They contributed immensely to the development of succeeding civilisations and one of the areas they did so was in technology. They were among the first to develop a reliable system of measurements and weights to be able to properly gauge instruments and structures they built.
They were also very proficient in architecture and built dockyards and warehouses. Even sewage systems have been discovered here.
<u>Writing</u> - The People of the IVC developed a system of writing known as Indus Script which consisted of symbols. They used these to communicate and record achievements and this paved the way for more advanced writing in the region in years to come.
<u>Transport</u> - The people of the IVC were one of the first users of wheeled transport. They used Bullock carts that utilized cows and even today those are still widespread in Asia. They also used boats and other types of water transport which was remarkable given the era and it is thought that they were one of the first explorers of the open sea. Using these crafts they were able to trade with other civilisations such as China and Mesopotamia.
Impact. John Cabot had both a positive and a negative impact on both European and indigenous societies. ... But as for Cabot, he had not found any materials that could be of use but he did find land. This was not very pleasing to the King of England but he still allowed for more expedition