They might be trying to find a less opressive place to live (same as people trying to get out of feudal europe) or trying to find economic oportunities (again like people did then)
Ears are the organs of hearing in animals. The primary function of ears in animals is to detect sound. Big ears of some animals like elephant, rabbit keep them cool. Ears help the animals to hear the sound of predators, so that they can escape and prevent themselves from them....
social organizations solve a problems by conduting various program ,aware socety from bad practices,discriminate the things which are wrong and right etc.
They found that <span>since the very young and the elderly spend more time at home, these groups would likely be victims in family homicide situations.
This happens because the perpetrators tend to see the very young and elderlies as the people who do not possess the power to fight back, which make them believe they could get away with the criminal act. What more terrifying is that the perpetrators in these circumstances tend to be the acquaintances of the family.</span>
The answer is avoidance rationalization.
This type of rationalization accepts that a problem exists, but avoids any confrontation by offering little or no analysis for solving it.
One of the arguments a person under this phenomenon may use, is precisely saying that the situation was worse in the past. Other examples include addressing other problems by saying "they are more important".