Katherine's opportunity cost is the cost of getting to the lecture event itself plus the reduction in her physics exam grade by not studying tonight. True
Opportunity cost is the cost of foregoing a benefit or incurring loss due to opting an alternative which is next beneficial . Here Katherine is losing in terms of grades in her exam to take the benefit of listening to the lecture , So loss to her grade is the opportunity cost of attending to the lecture and getting benefited.
The answer is d. how close the students lived to one another.
Friendships were moke likely to start the closer people were physically, Festinger and his team found out. . A similar pattern was observed regarding attitudes; attitudes of dormitory residents showed a tendency to converge.
The Battle of Gettysburg is the most bloody battle during the Civil War in the United States, which occurred July 1–3, 1863 in the Adams County of Pennsylvania and is considered a watershed in the conflict. The Potomac Army of the Union withstood the attack of General Lee's North Virginia Army and inflicted damage on it, which made the continuation of the Gettysburg Campaign impossible.
In the three days of fighting, the North Virginia Army lost more than 20,000 people. Under Gettysburg, the Confederate generals died: Barksdale, Sems, Garnett, Armistead, Avery, Pender, Pettigrew and Marshall. Hood, Lawrence, Jones, Robertson and Anderson were injured. Captured by Camper, Archer and Fry.
The company must:
File a consent application for the project.
A consent application for the project is the application filed to get a resource consent in New Zealand. Resource consent can be defined as a permit to carry out a project which otherwise may break a rule of the city or district plan. A project which effects the environment is usually against the laws of the city planning, so one must have to file a consent application. If it approves, only then the project can be carried out.
The El Tajin Period, so named for the great city of El Tajin. Urban centers proliferate and the game of Pok-a-Tok is developed. The Classic Maya Period which saw the height of the Maya Civilization in cities such as Chichen Itza, Palenque, Tikal, Copan and Uxmal.