Without an atmosphere, the equatorial curve would show minimum daily values on the solstices in June when the sub-solar point is located at 23.5°N and in December when the sub-solar point is at 23.5°S latitude.
At the sub-solar point, the sun strikes directly at the surface with an angle of 90 degrees at a given point.
Solistice refers to that point in time when the sun’s zenith is located at the farthest point from the equator.
During summer solistice on June 21, the sun’s zenith reaches northernmost point, sub-solar point is fixed at 23.5°S Tropic of Cancer making the earth tilt 23.4 degrees
During winter soliscitse on December 21, the sub-solar point is fixed at) Tropic of Capricorn.
What are the options u can't say that and expect me to know wat u talkin bout

The heaviside function is defined as:

so we see that the Heaviside function "switches on" when
, and remains switched on when 
If we want our heaviside function to switch on when
, we need the argument to the heaviside function to be 0 when 
Thus we define a function f:

term inside the heaviside function makes sure to displace the function 5 units to the right.
Now we just need to add a scale up factor of 240 V, because thats the voltage applied after the heaviside function switches on. (
, so it becomes just a 1, which we can safely ignore.)
Therefore our final result is:

I have made a sketch for you, and added it as attachment.