B/ Divide the viewpoint into three equal vertical divisions
a firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules
You need to understand all the network typologies and the devices that we use in the Computer networks. You also use the techniques like routing, masking, firewalls, VPN, as well as the network protocol. And recently added is the PKI. And hence you need to make sure that you know all these, and you should also know ipv4 and ipv6. Rest you can consult Tanenbaum for further studies on Computer Network.
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The execution speed of machine language is faster than the execution speed of other languages. Machine or assembly language will execute the fastest as compared to high-level languages. No other language can execute faster than Machine language since instructions are directed straight to the CPU. Other high-level languages often add some non-zero amount of overhead to the execution time, thus, causing some delay.