When the air pressure in the throat and outside the body is less than the air pressure in the middle ear, barotrauma occurs.
Ear barotrauma is a medical condition that describes discomfort in the ear which is caused by pressure differences in the inner and outer ear drum.
Usually, the air pressure in the middle ear is the same as the air pressure in the throat and outside the body.
When we swallow, the eustachian tube opens up and air flows out of and into the middle ear, this balances the pressure. But if the eustachian tube is blocked, the air pressure in the throat and outer body become different from the air pressure in the middle ear.
I believe it is
At the entrance of most beaches, there is a bulletin board with notices about water conditions: maybe a faded sign warning about rip currents and a list of this week's tide tables. Most people pass them by without a second thought, but if you want to enter the ocean, it is important to know its movements, whether to avoid being caught in a riptide or to figure out when the waves will be at their best.
Hope this helps
I would say option D, it depends on the size of the star
Plant trees around the perimeter of his fields