<span>Least Common Denominator (LCD) is the least number which all the denominators can divide without remainder. The given denominators are 2, 16 and 8. The least number 2, 16 and 8 will divide without remainder is 16. Therefore, to express the fractions 1/2, 3/12, and 7/8 with an LCD, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator of each of the fractions with a common factor that makes the denominator to be 16. Therefore, 1/2, 3/16 and 7/8 expressed with an LCD are (1 x 8) / (2 x 8), 3/16, (7 x 2) / (8 x 2) = 8/16, 3/16, and 14/16.</span>
Step-by-step explanation:
(20 + 12) - 8, since the question states n is EIGHT less than the sum of 20 and 12.
Square Rug
Area = Length x Length
Area = 6.3 x 6.3
Area = 39.69 ft²
Rectangle Rug
Area = Length x Width
Area = 4.8 x 8.2
Area = 39.36 ft²
39.69 ft² is bigger than 29.36 ft², so the square rug is bigger.
Ans: The Square Rug covers a greater area
Step-by-step explanation:
Just insert the value of x into the equation.
x = 3 right?
6^2 + 3 - 3^2 because x = 3
36 + 3 - 9 = 39 -9 = 30