<span>Film herself swimming to locate areas she can improve her technique for better performance </span>
Comforting the mom and letting the family know it was not on there behalf
Remember that you are human as well. You cannot be helpful to another if you are not doing well yourself. Life has its challenges and when you stumble, remember its okay to reach out and ask for help. No one is perfect. Most peoples problems are not meant for you to fix and sometimes we can only help so much. If the person you are trying to help does not move any then there is no point in staying and burdening yourself with another problem. Its okay to help to an extent but remember to not put to much stress on yourself on behalf of someones problems.
Hope this helps!
Have a great day!
Learn to disagree without arguing!
Social Health has a lot to do with knowing that you can be wrong too. Not everything has to be an argument. It shows great maturity when you can admit you are wrong and move on. There is a lesson to be learned.
For instance, you are in a situation where there were many people involved in a disagreement. Some were very upset and others weren't. The ones that weren't upset likely have a way to back up from a situation.
If you can back up and see all sides of the disagreement, you can see every side, in turn this allows you to see what you could've done differently for a different outcome. The lesson is don't make that same mistake again.
Not everyone will agree on most anything. It is up to you to maintain your social health and be more open-minded. Or to understand that everyone's opinion differs to some extent.