I'm pretty sure it's photogenic drawing.
The only one of those I would trust is the site ending with EDU I hope this helps you.
Pictures not loading on websites Chrome – Many users reported that pictures aren't loading on websites in Chrome. To fix the problem, be sure to check your Chrome settings and disable your antivirus. Images won't load in Chrome – Sometimes this issue can appear if JavaScript is disabled in your browser.
Speaking of image problems, users reported the following issues:
Broken image icon Firefox, Internet Explorer – According to users, you might be able to experience this issue in other browsers including Firefox and Internet Explorer. If the problem appears in other browsers, the issue is related to your system or to your network configuration.
- Pictures not loading on websites Chrome – Many users reported that pictures aren’t loading on websites in Chrome. To fix the problem, be sure to check your Chrome settings and disable your antivirus.
- Images won’t load in Chrome – Sometimes this issue can appear if JavaScript is disabled in your browser. If that’s the case, simply enable JavaScript and the problem will be resolved.
- Chrome showing broken images – In some cases, extensions can lead to this problem, and if you noticed that your images are missing, simply disable or uninstall your extensions and check if that solves the problem.
- You can remove an image from the preview by clicking the thumbnail below Available images. Edit Descriptions: If you've added multiple images, click the description below each image in the preview to edit it.
- Icon in the top-right corner of the window. Select Internet Options. In the Internet Options window, click the Advanced tab. In the Settings under Multimedia, make sure there is a check in the Show Pictures check box.
I think the answer is
3 - Usually, but we may need to convert the data types (date to text)
Because we can change the format, but depends of the original format type and in what type you need to format.
I think this can help.
<span>¿De qué manera participar en actividades extracurriculares?
¿Cómo ayudar a sobresalir en la solicitud de la universidad?
R: aprendes habilidades diferentes a las clases habituales, como lograr obtener una gran habilidad en la oratoria o ya sea aprendiendo mas sobre la literatura y aprender a componer poemas
<span><span>Si pudieras crear tu propio club u organización, ¿qué tipo de club u organización sería?
R : un club de robotica seria lo mas apropiado ya que aprenderemos a programar y llegar a comprender la mecanica de las aplicaciones que usamos a diario y al aprender a crear robots propios aprenderemos nuevas habilidades y aprender a confiar en nuestro propio criterio para que funcionen las cosas </span><span>¿Qué tipo de habilidades se requieren para estar en el club u organización?
R: debe tenerse un conocimiento muy basico en los lenguajes de programasion ya sea con solo entender la logica </span></span>
<span><span>¿Crees que una actividad extracurricular puede ser beneficiosa para obtener la carrera de tus sueños?
R: si, siempre y cuando la actividad extracurricular este relacionada con lo que deseamos ser en un futuro
</span><span>¿Explica por qué o por qué no?
R: al tratarse de algo relacionado a la carrera que deseamos tendremos ya un conocimiento de lo que deberemos aprender y asi lograremos adaptarnos mas facilmente