Hypertonic solution: higher concentration outside of cell = lower water potential = water exits cell, cell shrink (crenated-animal cell, flaccid/plasmolysed-plant cell)
Hypotonic solution: lower concentration outside cell =higher water potential = water enters cell, cell swell (animal cell - burst,plant cell - turgid)
Angiosperms are flowering plants, so I'd say flowers and the parts of flowers are a pretty common characteristic.
The reason why there is a green layer of algae was because
of the reason that there may be too much fertilizer applied in the lawn. When
having too much fertilizer, and it had been rained down—there could have been a
possibility of run-off to be flown down on the lawn of which has been sloped
and made its way on the pond. By this, it increases the nutrients in the pond,
making the algae to grow on it.
This answer to this question is Paramecia, cilia