All electromagnetic waves are amplitude, a characteristic frequency and wavelength, and the ability to travel through a vacuum at the same speed (the speed of light)
The answer would be A because Inertia is when a property of matter remains unchanged.
20% of phosphorus
A fertilizer is used to improve the fertility of soils. Most fertilizers contains the element nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
They are often designated NPK fertilizers.
Now we know that the numbers 10-20-20 depicts the nitrogen-phosphorus and potassium content of the fertilizer.
From the designation,
The actual percentage is 20% of phosphorus.
10% of nitrogen
20% of potassium
<span>The best reason I can think of for why we believe that air is a mixture is that freezing air slowly yields different liquids at different temperatures. Liquid nitrogen has a different boiling point than liquid oxygen. They also freeze at different temperatures. If air were only 1 compound, then air in its entirety would have a single boiling point and a single freezing point. </span>