The ground state electronic configuration of tin is written as; [Kr] 5s²4d¹⁰5p². Hybridization is a concept used to explain the combination of orbitals of appropriate energy to produce suitable orbitals that could be used for bonding.
In forming the compound Snf5^ -1, we have to hybridize the following orbitals on tin; 5p, 5d and 6s orbitals. This gives us a set of sp3d hybrid hence the answer.
None of the questions asked can be answered completely from the graph provided (GHG emissions: Direct, indirect and total Vs Year)
1) Question A:<span>What caused a drop in GHG emissions around 2009?. This questions in pointing towards reason for drop of GHG emission around 2009. From the graph, it can be seen that there is a drop in GHG emission around 2009. However, information for reason for this drop is not available in graph.
2) Question B: </span>Did GHG emissions cause the melting of Arctic glaciers?. As mentioned earlier, the graph plotted provides information of GHG emissions: Vs Year. Information related to impact of GHG on environment is not available in graph.
3) Question C: <span>How much methane was emitted by homes between 1990 and 2000?. Graph provides information of direct and indirect emission for GHG. However, it lacks information about emission from residential or industrial sources.
4) </span>Question D: <span>Does industrial equipment release gases other than greenhouse gases?: Present study doesnot cover type of gases emitted from industrial equipment.
5) </span>Question E: <span>Which types of industries were included in the study?: Present graph has not specific information related to industries. </span>
Answer: The given statement is true.
According to the Dalton's law, total pressure of a mixture of gases that do not react with each other is equal to the partial pressure exerted by each gas.
The relationship is as follows.

....... = partial pressure of individual gases present in the mixture
Also, relation between partial pressure and mole fraction is as follows.

= mole fraction
Thus, we can conclude that the statement Dalton's law of partial pressures states that the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is the sum of the pressures exerted independently by each gas in the mixture, is true.
The concentration of positive charge and mass in Rutherford's atomic model is called the nucleus. Rutherford's experiments involving the use of alpha particle beams directed onto thin metal foils demonstrated the existence of the nucleus. The nucleus of an atom contains positively charge particles called protons and other uncharged particles called neutrons. According to this model most volume of an atom is made up of an empty space.