One way is to make them all decimals or all fractions:
.5 .2 .35 .48 .80 are the numbers above changed to decimals.
I will make them the same length (two digit past the decimal point) to compare
.50 .20 .35 .48 and .80
Now it is easy to put them in order
.2 .35 .48 .5 and .80
Let's put them into all fractions
5/10 1/5 35/100 12/25 and 4/5
Instead of finding a common denominator let's try this:
Think of them as test scores - the person who got 1 out 5 did the worst
Next came the person who got only 35 out of 100 - they only did better than the one above (1/5)
12/25 is almost 1/2 but a little below half the questions right
5/10 is exactly half the questions right (so it is bigger than 12/25 by a little).
4/5 is the best score (and the only one who passed).
So 1/5, 35/100, 12/25, .5 and 4/5 are in order least to greatest and match the answer above in bold.
the answer is G
Step-by-step explanation:
i dont have an eplanation
Wood Question: 860 millimeters
Heigh Question: 73 centimeters
Wood Question: You can get this result by doing 7.74/9 because you are dividing 7.74 meters into 9 pieces and you will get 0.86, AKA 86 centimeters. Then, you need to multiply that by 10 to convert it into millimeters and 86(10) is 860.
Height Question: First, you want to do 1.46/2 and you will get 0.73. 0.73 meters is equivalent to 73 centimeters, and since you know Jaxson is two times his sister's height, you know that you can leave it at that, therefore your final answer is 73 centimeters.
Product <em /><em /><em>is the answer to a multiplication problem.
Multiple is the product of the number and whole numbers.
Hopefully this helps! :D :D
add the amount of the bags. you will end up with 38.70 Oz. the subtract the number from the total and you ger 19.30 Oz. the box weighs 19.30 oz.