What are large, relatively flat areas? ... Why are coastal plains also called lowlands? ... What is a grassy wetland usually flooded with water? ... What rises steeply from the land around them? ... flat raised landform made up of nearly horizontal rocks that have been uplifted ... distances in degrees north or south the equator.
Dado que:
Número de protones en el átomo X = 29
Carga en el átomo X = +2
Si no hay cargo neto;
número de protones = número de electrones
Sin embargo, dado que el átomo X tiene una carga de +2 (dando 2 electrones).
Por lo tanto,
Número de electrones = número de protones - número de carga en el átomo)
Número de electrones = (29 - 2) = 27
Atoms, and chemical make up
Our bodies and any other terrestrial body are formed with atoms, those same atoms from a chemical make-up that creates items, such as water with 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom is formed. In essence, we all are about atoms and chemical makeup is the instruction on how to build us