- What distinguish a solution in general from an aqueous solution is the solvent. A solution in general may contain any solvent, which may be solid, liquid or gas, while an aqueous solution is formed with water as solvent.
A solution in general is a homogeneous mixture in which a substance, named solute, is dissolved, in other substance, name solvent.
Solutions may be in solid, liquid or gas state. There are many kind of solvents. Usually, in a lab you work with liquid solutions. Some liquid solvents are: ethanol, glycerin, hexane, benzene, and water, among many others.
Aqueous solution is a solution where the solvent is water. Of course, the solute may be any one: NaCl, sugar, ethanol, an acid, a base, a salt.
What distinguish a solution in general and an aqueous solution is the solvent.
The correct answer is -
1. a) The bubbles will shrink, some may vanish.
2. a) Can A will make a louder and stronger fizz than can B.
In the first question, it is given that the bottle is not opened and therefore, squeezing the bottle filled with a carbonated drink will increase the pressure on the carbonated liquid which forces the bubbles to dissolve or displace or vanish as it moves to empty space.
Thus, the correct answer would be - The bubbles will shrink, some may vanish
In the second question, there are two different conditions for two different unopened cans of carbonated water that are different temperatures one at the garage with higher temperature and one in the fridge at low temperature. As it is known that higher the temperature less will be solubility of gas in liquid so gas in can A will be less soluble which means it has more gas and it will make louder and stronger fizz than B which was stored at low temperature.
thus, the correct answer would be - Can A will make a louder and stronger fizz than can B.
Yes because the protons are the same but the neutrons change
Exothermic reaction is when the system releases energy to the surrounding, the energy (in the perspective of the system) will have a sign of negative, as the system is transferring energy towards the surrounding.
Endothermic reaction is when the system is absorbing energy from the surrounding, the energy (in the perspective of the system) will have a sign of positive, as energy is transferred to the system.
Answer : A.By
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